Personalised Christmas Sacks | Harrow & Green

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Totes Amazing!

At Harrow & Green we absolutely love a tote bag, but we felt there was a gap in the market for cool tote bags for men. So we went into the H&G studio and designed a collection.

We then decided to photograph the tote bags next to rubbish, graffiti and an abandoned shopping trolley to give them a bit of edge. We love nothing more than an urban landscape for a photo shoot. Please note the strategically placed cigarette butt - we’re all about the details!

We could say meaningful things like our tote bags are a "reaction to the times we live in" or that they "reflect current attitudes on sustainability" but instead let’s just say that our totes are very practical and a bit of fun! “Blokes with Totes” is our new mantra!

Use them, love them and feel good because you're not using a plastic bag! 

Words and photos by Tanya Taylor © 2018